Being sick is NO fun

Unfortunately, I had to take an unexpected break from all things that didn’t involve being 3-5 feet away from the restroom (TMI, sorry). I rarely get sick, however, when it happens, its bad. I was in such denial, that for awhile I forced myself out of bed to go to work, workout, run errands, and cook dinner. Life is so busy, that I don’t have time to be laid up! Finally, Friday afternoon my body gave up on me. It said HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE, I am NOT ok. At that point, I couldn’t move, and in the bed I went. Allllll afternoon/evening, and allllllll day on Saturday.

Big things happened this week!

This girl started HIGH SCHOOL:
She was so happy to start school, and had a great first week (Thurs, & Fri). I’m expecting good things this year…. and I know its gonna be so much better than middle school.

On Wednesday we had to go to her school for a meet & great, learn the school type thing. We were there till 8:30 at night. I remember thinking, why the heck are we here so late the day before school starts? These kids need to go to bed. Then I remembered that this was fricken high school and the kids aren’t so little anymore. My girl still shuts her light out at 8:30, and if she doesn’t ask to be up later, I’m not gonna say anything. Haha, mean mama that I am!

Completed Workouts:

Monday: 33 minute walk + tabata

Tuesday: 38 minute run

Wednesday: Rested (too much going on)

Thursday: 5 mile run (supposed to be 6, but I was hurting)

Friday/Saturday: Sick, nada

Sunday: 8 miles (supposed to be 9, but we were done)

So today, we did got our run in, but we cut it short due to some bathroom issues. I’m happy with what we even completed 8 since I was clearly dehydrated, and still fighting off this bug. This week looks like this:

Monday: Walk

Tuesday: 3 mile run, light weights

Wednesday: Tabata + weights

Thursday: 6 mile run (speedwork)

Friday: walk, weights

Saturday: 10 miles (switching long run days this week due to Saturday night festives)

Sunday: rest

I also have a pretty busy, but fun week planned. Monday, one of my good friends is having a get together for her bday! Tuesday, I get to see someone special that I haven’t seen in a few years (hopefully). Wednesday is Lexy’s back to school night, Thursday and Friday night should be uneventful, but Saturday we’re meeting up with family for a picnic and a baseball game! ❤


Clean eats 90% of the time, have fun, and blog at least 4 days! Should be easy peasy!

Take care! XOXOXO

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