Tag Archives: family

Busy, busy

This week I can officially say I’m BUSY!

I have 19 miles on my training plan:
Monday: 5 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles

Thursday: 4 miles
Saturday: 5 miles

I look forward to going home after work, cooking dinner and spending time with my kids. That has yet to happen this week, and I doubt it will.

Monday I worked until 6:30pm so I went home and made turkey sandwiches for dinner. It was the fastest thing I could think of, and the kids didn’t complain. Win!

Tuesday night was THE BEST night I’ve had in a long time! My best friend since preschool was in town, and it had been TEN YEARS since we saw each other. Can I just say that will NEVER happen again!! We live in the same state, and surely we can find a weekend or two to visit each other.


Childhood BFFs


She’s beautiful

Last night was open house at Lexy’s school, and tonight is Mr. P’s. I always look forward to what the kiddos do in class thoughout the year, besides the things they bring home. Lex is taking French class, and totally fell in love with the subject. On Tuesday night she tried teaching me how to answer 5 questions in French so she could get extra credit (she doesn’t even need it) for open house. I was confident that I could answer the questions when I went to bed, but when I woke up that morning I couldn’t remember a thing. Her teacher jokingly called me a quitter. Haha


My baby!



My nutrition this week has been bad…. I hate that I had such a great week last week (lost 2.3lbs) but this week I have given into every temptation, and not even bothered to watch my calorie intake. My job had a catered lunch from the gourmet food trucks. Portabella sliders with a side of fries? Yes please! I regretted it almost instantly. Last night I even had a sundae from the dreaded McDonald’s. *gasp* I’ve probably had I was up 1lb this morning. I won’t even lie to myself and say that I’ll be good on vacation, but I totally need to watch it once I get back. I know that it isn’t realistic, but I would love to lose about 7lbs before the half marathon. Since the half is in 24 days, and within that time I will be on vacation, and my mom is visiting, 3lbs is more realistic. Tonight we’ll be having crockpot spaghetti! The sauce is in the slow cooker, and I know it’ll be delicious.

So many things I’m looking forward to! 2013 is definitely starting to look up! 😀

Happy Thursday

Spring is here, but summer is coming!

This week is FLYING by! I feel like most of them do these days with both kids in sports. Tuesday was especially challenging because Mr. P had a basketball game, and as soon as it was over he had to go to track practice. Fun times!

So yesterday, it was so bright and sunny… like mid 70s. I went for a 6 mile run during my lunch break.  Today it is totally raining! I still went for a quick 3 miler during lunch.  I do so much better running outdoors then on the treadmill. I love the fresh air and observing nature. There is just something so therapeutic about pounding the pavement. There’s only 31 days until the half marathon I’m running. So stoked that it’s almost here. I’m especially excited to finally meet a group of ladies that I met on an online running group six years ago! They totally inspired me to run the very first race. Despite having a few set backs, running still has my heart. ❤

I’ve been missing my family something fierce over the last few weeks. I think about moving often, but at the same time, Lexy only has 4 years left in high school, and Mr. P has his daddy here. I don’t want to take anything away from the kids, especially not knowing where I’d truly be happy. Oklahoma is nice, but there are any beaches nearby. I LOVE the water, and hate the cold….

Random pictures from the last few days…

imageHe’s such a happy little guy!imageMe after yesterday’s 6 mile runimageAnd today its raining!


Happy birthday to my youngest nephew! He’s 2 todayimage

My new favorite drink! My poor wallet…image

Baby boy lost a top tooth! It hurt him just a lil bit…

I’m thinking that I need to start planning some affordable summer activities! I’d like to take the kids to the ocean, on dinner picnics, camping, and to the water slides. I just need to make sure I can afford it all. It doesn’t take much money to entertain them really, and I think we could make some really awesome memories.

If anyone is reading…

What fun (cheap) things do you do with your kiddos during the summer?

Have a great night! I can’t wait for Fabulous Friday!




I couldn’t be happier about leaving 2012 behind! It was certainly a year of many, many learning experiences that I will keep with me for the rest of my life.

Knowing what is important in life sounds like it would be common sense. I’m sure for many it is, but this girl had to hit her head a few times (or 10) to finally know what matters most:

I will never again take the love of my family and friends for granted. I spent a good part of years past pushing people away that cared so deeply about my well-being. Thankfully, the important ones never gave up…. even when it took 10+ years for me to come around:


(Picture from my last visit in April. We were drunk… it wasn’t pretty)

I know that I’ve talked about it before, but my relationship with my brother and sister was seriously strained because I took out the hurt/anger that I had towards my father, on them. I really resented the fact that they grew up with my dad and he took such an active role in their lives, but not mine. I’m over it. All of it. Even the ill feelings I had towards my dad are gone, despite not much being different. I think I just grew up, and realized that he is who he is. When I come around, we have an amazing time…. but when I’m not around, we don’t really talk. My brother and sister however, make up for that 100%. I feel so much love from them. It’s amazing!

This weekend, I get to go visit my family. It was supposed to be all of us hanging out, but my brother got called to the oil field and we won’t get to see him this trip. I’m sad, but I will still get to see my sister, brother-in-law, nephews, and my dad. I’m already in vacation mode despite having 4 more sleeps before we leave!

The last time I went for a visit, I had a really hard time leaving… and I still haven’t let go of the possibility of living there. Who in their right mind would leave California for Oklahoma? The thought of living close to my family though just feels so right.

Moving on…

There are a few blogs that I really enjoy reading on a weekly basis. One is Purpose Fairy. I like it because it helps me feel better about myself, and gives me the tools I need to be a better, more confident person. The post I read today was titled 10 Promises You Should Make to Yourself. I want to apply them ALL to my life, but here is the one I want to start doing IMMEDIATELY:

7. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements of the future.

I tend to be really hard on myself for the mistakes I’ve made. I don’t know HOW to change that, but I am trying really hard to be forgiving of both myself and others.

Have you ever needed to forgive yourself for something?

I don’t have too many regrets in life, but the few I do have are hard to let go of.  Here are some of the things I am working on so I can forgive myself for the past:

  • Love myself
  • Remind myself that I am not the inventor of… (ex. lying, cheating, betrayal, lust, or temptation)
  • Keep reminding myself that forgiveness is a sign of strength, and high self-esteem – qualities that I WANT to have

Anyway… This post has ended up being way longer than intended. I will leave you with a picture of my lil man helping his mama cook dinner last night.

He’s such a sweetheart! Always helping his mama 🙂


7 days…

So I realize its been 7 days since I’ve last posted. I traded phones with a friend last week so I forgot about my daily reminder…. I will have to add that back to my phone ASAP.

Another thing that has been missing for 7 days is my thankfulness. Don’t think for an instant that I haven’t been thankful in my day to day life. See, I’ll prove it.

November 6th – Thankful for my brother. Prior to 2012, I held some serious grudges against my father, which ultimately affected the relationship with my brother and sister. I held them accountable for things that should have only been towards my dad. My brother did not give up on me, despite the fact that we hadn’t spoke in 10 years! The kids and I were able to go for a visit this past May, and now its all we think about:


November 7th – My son’s school! I have had the best experience at this school, Mr. P has too. I’m going to hate having to find a new school for him in the next year or so (too expensive). My babies teacher loves him so much and I have never trusted a teacher more than I trust her. She is truly an angel.

November 8th – I’m thankful for my strength and determination. I love running and working out, but some days are just plain hard, and I find myself not motivated. I can usually think of people less fortunate and wish they could be running, and that gets me off my lazy butt!

November 9th – My girl, Donnalene. Today she came to my rescue on something very big. She didn’t havee to, she just did. True friend right there. True friend.

November 10th – My son’s dad! *gasp* Yes, he’s been super duper awesome over the last month and a half. I’ve needed a ton of help ranging from my car to financial issues, and he has had my back. Crazy after the past year that we had that we are actually in a great place. (friendship ONLY)

November 11th – It was only fitting to be thankful for our Veterans. All of the men and woman that serve   our country, protect us from harm, and many that have made the ultimate sacrifice. Seriously, Thank you.

Today – I am thankful for prayer. I have seen it work thousands of times. I truly believe that it is  a privilege to pray for others because the bible tells us so. (Psalm 55:16-17)

I didn’t just sit here and come up with this stuff. I have a “Gratitude” app on my phone, and everyday I type in what I am grateful for. It really is funny how it works because often imps I feel myself pissin’ and moaning, and my phone will give off the little notification sound. When I look at it, its asking me what I’m grateful for. My attitude instantly changes. Try it!

This post ended up being longer than I intended. I will be back tomorrow with an update on fitness, and finances for last week. Oh, and that moving decision that I finally came to!

Enjoy you evening with the people you loooove!

Alicia XoXo

Thankful November

So I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I wanted to have a Thankful November. Which means every day in November I will mention a different reason that I’m thankful. It could be as simple as I’m thankful for my blankets… or a bit deeper, like being thankful for someone in your life. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the holiday mumbo jumbo, and miss out on the reason for the season.

Today (and everyday really) I’m thankful for my daughter. I had her at 16, when I knew absolutely nothing about being a mom. I loved her so, so much…. and still do, but the love I feel for her is different now. I used to feel like I had to prove to everyone that I was a good mom, when really the only person that I needed to prove it to was her. I used to freak out when her hair got messed up, or I picked her up from daycare with paint on her clothes. She never complained about ANYTHING, and still doesn’t. I’m so glad that I have learned that being a mom is not about being in control. All kids really want you to do is guide them in the huge world, and accept them for who they are. To all the teenage moms out there, its not easy, but it is possible.

Shows like Teen Mom, and 16 and Pregnant make me sick because in no way does it portray what being a teen mom is about! It’s hard, but definitely doable!

Anyway, I am so happy that it is almost quitting time, and its the weekend!

I am heading over to my friend’s house for a little bit of action:


Haha, I am probably the only girl left on the planet (yes, I exaggerate) that hasn’t seen this movie. To be honest, I’m more excited about seeing my friends than the movie, but there’s probably some great eye candy! 😀

This weekend is going to be another relaxing one since I am trying to save money. I want to clean and organize my home, and get rid of the things I no longer need. I already listed a ton of stuff on Craigslist, and put a lot of junk in the garbage! I am determinded to start the new year clutter free!

I’m out – Be back in the morning with a girls night recap!


Thursday Randomness

Have you ever felt like you just want to pick up and move far, far away? And not for any bad reason, just because you think life would be even greater, elsewhere.

That is exactly how I’ve felt since coming back from Oklahoma in April. It’s an extremely long story, but it was my first visit in 10 years, and I felt like I was HOME. Seriously, it was the most relaxing, peaceful trip I’ve had. I reconnected with my father, sister, and brother, met my brother in law, and 3 nephews. Nothing but love all the way around. It was very hard to leave when vacation was over, and all I’ve thought about since is getting back there. I’ve even thought (quite seriously) about moving there. I know “real life” is different than vacation; however the support I would have is amazing. I know without a doubt, that my family would have my back with my kids… and if I ever needed anything, I know they would be there. I don’t have that here in California. I mean I have a handful of friends that I know I could depend on, but my parents aren’t here, and the family I do have here, I see maybe once a year. It’s just a hard thought to entertain since the kids have Chris, and my job is here… *day dreaming*

Anyways, the last few days have been nothing but busy. School is in full effect for both kiddos and I started Tuesday. I know this semester is going to be quite the challenge, but I’m ready for it. Do you know anyone that is crazy like me? Full time mom, working full time, part time college student, training for a marathon…. Yea, talk to me again in December and see how I’m doing! Ha-ha. I LOVE being busy though.

I haven’t been around for more than a week… yikes! People who are capable of full time blogging amaze me. I mean I know that it’s their job, but just like the people that work from home, I don’t know how they do it. I feel like there is always something to do at home. Even if my house is super clean. For example, last night I came home and seasoned some salmon, had Lexy peel potatoes and then headed outside and mowed the lawn. Once that was done, I came inside and threw the potatoes in water and salmon on the grill. Made a salad and sat down with Lex to eat (P was at his dads). After dinner was done, I cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and fell asleep as soon as I sat on my bed. I had every intention of reading/writing, but it just didn’t happen; it seems like most nights this week have been that way. Tonight I have class so I probably won’t get home until 10ish. Oh, and my friend wants me to meet her at the gym at 3AM… might don’t make it! HA!

I guess I better go earn my pay… hoping to hit the treadmill (gag me) before heading to class since I don’t have to pick up Mr. P today 😀

Have a great night!


Being sick is NO fun

Unfortunately, I had to take an unexpected break from all things that didn’t involve being 3-5 feet away from the restroom (TMI, sorry). I rarely get sick, however, when it happens, its bad. I was in such denial, that for awhile I forced myself out of bed to go to work, workout, run errands, and cook dinner. Life is so busy, that I don’t have time to be laid up! Finally, Friday afternoon my body gave up on me. It said HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE, I am NOT ok. At that point, I couldn’t move, and in the bed I went. Allllll afternoon/evening, and allllllll day on Saturday.

Big things happened this week!

This girl started HIGH SCHOOL:
She was so happy to start school, and had a great first week (Thurs, & Fri). I’m expecting good things this year…. and I know its gonna be so much better than middle school.

On Wednesday we had to go to her school for a meet & great, learn the school type thing. We were there till 8:30 at night. I remember thinking, why the heck are we here so late the day before school starts? These kids need to go to bed. Then I remembered that this was fricken high school and the kids aren’t so little anymore. My girl still shuts her light out at 8:30, and if she doesn’t ask to be up later, I’m not gonna say anything. Haha, mean mama that I am!

Completed Workouts:

Monday: 33 minute walk + tabata

Tuesday: 38 minute run

Wednesday: Rested (too much going on)

Thursday: 5 mile run (supposed to be 6, but I was hurting)

Friday/Saturday: Sick, nada

Sunday: 8 miles (supposed to be 9, but we were done)

So today, we did got our run in, but we cut it short due to some bathroom issues. I’m happy with what we even completed 8 since I was clearly dehydrated, and still fighting off this bug. This week looks like this:

Monday: Walk

Tuesday: 3 mile run, light weights

Wednesday: Tabata + weights

Thursday: 6 mile run (speedwork)

Friday: walk, weights

Saturday: 10 miles (switching long run days this week due to Saturday night festives)

Sunday: rest

I also have a pretty busy, but fun week planned. Monday, one of my good friends is having a get together for her bday! Tuesday, I get to see someone special that I haven’t seen in a few years (hopefully). Wednesday is Lexy’s back to school night, Thursday and Friday night should be uneventful, but Saturday we’re meeting up with family for a picnic and a baseball game! ❤


Clean eats 90% of the time, have fun, and blog at least 4 days! Should be easy peasy!

Take care! XOXOXO