Thursday Randomness

Have you ever felt like you just want to pick up and move far, far away? And not for any bad reason, just because you think life would be even greater, elsewhere.

That is exactly how I’ve felt since coming back from Oklahoma in April. It’s an extremely long story, but it was my first visit in 10 years, and I felt like I was HOME. Seriously, it was the most relaxing, peaceful trip I’ve had. I reconnected with my father, sister, and brother, met my brother in law, and 3 nephews. Nothing but love all the way around. It was very hard to leave when vacation was over, and all I’ve thought about since is getting back there. I’ve even thought (quite seriously) about moving there. I know “real life” is different than vacation; however the support I would have is amazing. I know without a doubt, that my family would have my back with my kids… and if I ever needed anything, I know they would be there. I don’t have that here in California. I mean I have a handful of friends that I know I could depend on, but my parents aren’t here, and the family I do have here, I see maybe once a year. It’s just a hard thought to entertain since the kids have Chris, and my job is here… *day dreaming*

Anyways, the last few days have been nothing but busy. School is in full effect for both kiddos and I started Tuesday. I know this semester is going to be quite the challenge, but I’m ready for it. Do you know anyone that is crazy like me? Full time mom, working full time, part time college student, training for a marathon…. Yea, talk to me again in December and see how I’m doing! Ha-ha. I LOVE being busy though.

I haven’t been around for more than a week… yikes! People who are capable of full time blogging amaze me. I mean I know that it’s their job, but just like the people that work from home, I don’t know how they do it. I feel like there is always something to do at home. Even if my house is super clean. For example, last night I came home and seasoned some salmon, had Lexy peel potatoes and then headed outside and mowed the lawn. Once that was done, I came inside and threw the potatoes in water and salmon on the grill. Made a salad and sat down with Lex to eat (P was at his dads). After dinner was done, I cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and fell asleep as soon as I sat on my bed. I had every intention of reading/writing, but it just didn’t happen; it seems like most nights this week have been that way. Tonight I have class so I probably won’t get home until 10ish. Oh, and my friend wants me to meet her at the gym at 3AM… might don’t make it! HA!

I guess I better go earn my pay… hoping to hit the treadmill (gag me) before heading to class since I don’t have to pick up Mr. P today 😀

Have a great night!


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