Thankful November

So I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I wanted to have a Thankful November. Which means every day in November I will mention a different reason that I’m thankful. It could be as simple as I’m thankful for my blankets… or a bit deeper, like being thankful for someone in your life. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the holiday mumbo jumbo, and miss out on the reason for the season.

Today (and everyday really) I’m thankful for my daughter. I had her at 16, when I knew absolutely nothing about being a mom. I loved her so, so much…. and still do, but the love I feel for her is different now. I used to feel like I had to prove to everyone that I was a good mom, when really the only person that I needed to prove it to was her. I used to freak out when her hair got messed up, or I picked her up from daycare with paint on her clothes. She never complained about ANYTHING, and still doesn’t. I’m so glad that I have learned that being a mom is not about being in control. All kids really want you to do is guide them in the huge world, and accept them for who they are. To all the teenage moms out there, its not easy, but it is possible.

Shows like Teen Mom, and 16 and Pregnant make me sick because in no way does it portray what being a teen mom is about! It’s hard, but definitely doable!

Anyway, I am so happy that it is almost quitting time, and its the weekend!

I am heading over to my friend’s house for a little bit of action:


Haha, I am probably the only girl left on the planet (yes, I exaggerate) that hasn’t seen this movie. To be honest, I’m more excited about seeing my friends than the movie, but there’s probably some great eye candy! 😀

This weekend is going to be another relaxing one since I am trying to save money. I want to clean and organize my home, and get rid of the things I no longer need. I already listed a ton of stuff on Craigslist, and put a lot of junk in the garbage! I am determinded to start the new year clutter free!

I’m out – Be back in the morning with a girls night recap!


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